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*10 hours of life documentary with still images and motion video;
*NEW 150 pages storytelling pictorial book;

*downloadable images in a online gallery;

*Video Montage of your day.

(plus travel)


Make your first payment here:





*8 hours of life documentary with still images and motion video;

*NEW 100 pages storytelling pictorial book;

*downloadable images in a online gallery;

*video montage of your day.

(plus travel)

Make your first payment here:




*12 hours of life documentary with still images and motion video;
*NEW 200 pages storytelling pictorial book;

*downloadable images in a online gallery;

*Video Montage of your day.

(plus travel)

Make your first payment here:


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or email for more details.

or email for more details.

or email for more details.

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